We invite you to attend the following evening case presentation:
Long-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy of a Borderline Psychotic Patient
Presenter: Dr Anne-Marie Swan
Thursday 23 February 2012
7.30 - 9.00pm
Crows Nest Community Centre, 2 Ernest Place Crows Nest
Background: The Case Presentation is of a 19 year old female patient first seen in the context of an emergency admission to the Acute Psychiatry ward of a major teaching hospital. The patient subsequently transferred to the private sector and has been seen over a period of 20 years.
Method: A Power Point slide presentation will be used. The clinical material has been de-identified and the patient has given permission for the material to be used in a de-identified way. The presentation will be followed by a discussion of issues generated by the clinical presentation.
Conclusions: There can, of course, be no definitive conclusion in a Case Presentation of this kind. One must stay in the realm of ‘negative capability’. The clinical material offered here is being done so in a spirit of scientific enquiry partly because of the severity of the patient’s symptoms and partly because of the lengthy engagement of both patient and therapist in the therapeutic endeavour. Both the patient and the therapist are hopeful that this may enhance our understanding of the treatment of the so-called ‘borderline’ patient. Both feel that they have learned much from one another over the course of the past 20 years.
Presenter: Anne-Marie is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist in private practice in Sydney. She also works in the public sector as a Visiting Medical Officer supervising registrars in psychotherapy. She is the Curriculum Coordinator for the RANZCP Certificate Course in Advanced Psychotherapy in NSW and is on the Executive of the NSW branch of the RANZCP Training Committee for Advanced Psychotherapy. Anne-Marie is a member of the New South Wales Institute of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with whom she trained in psychotherapy. Anne-Marie also has a previous background in education and curriculum development.
Registration: Attendance fee is $40 plus GST (total = $44).
Please send RSVP to Jacqui Winship: jacqui@caspc.com.au Mobile: 0423 760162
Cheques can be posted to CASPC, PO Box 49, Belrose 2085
Online Payment can be made by EFT to:
Account name: CASPC
BSB: 032-053
ACC: 246959
Please identify yourself by name.
Numbers will be limited and pre-registration is essential.