“Where do the Waves Come from.
The Adolescent Idea:
long term work with an adolescent”
Presented by Christopher Fairall
Dear All,
We are pleased to invite you to the 4th and final presentation of the Continuing Education Series entitled “Where do the Waves Come from. The Adolescent Idea: long term work with an adolescent” by Christoher Fairall to be held at NSWIPP premises, 123a Mitchell Street, Glebe on Monday, 24th November at 7:30pm.
Taking adolescence both as a developmental phenomenon in its own right and as a model for what might be considered one of the aims of psychoanalytically-oriented psychotherapy - i.e. an increasingly integrated sense of authentic Self experience associated with the emergent capacities of an autonomously functioning indigenous mind - the author considers the place of contemporary popular culture (Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained and David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest) both as it presents in the session and to the therapy more broadly in the context of this aim. In doing so questions arise as to the nature of 'the work' (we do/imagine ourselves to do as psychotherapists), the position of the therapist in relation to this work, the operation of multiple consciousnesses and different levels of consciousness, and the potential, ever present, for perversion.
Cost is $40 including GST
RSVP to Lyndall Rees at nswipp4@bigpond or 0406 975 434