NSWIPP presents a film screening with director Dr Tom Murray


Continuing Education Meeting

NSWIPP is pleased to invite you to join Dr Tom Murray and fellow colleagues to watch and reflect on a film entitled



                        “LOVE IN OUR OWN TIME”

                   a documentary film by Tom Murray

to be held at NSWIPP premises, 123a Mitchell Street, Glebe on

                          Saturday 22nd November at 2.30 pm to 5pm

The film is a moving documentary following the lives of ordinary Australian families and some of the health professionals that support them as they face the big life crises, love, birth, death. Through these lives the film investigates some of what prevents us and our patients from grasping these most profound life experiences.

The film is about the coal face of work-family-life demands, the risks, the demands, the joys of love.

Tom Murray is a film writer, has a PHD in media/history and lectures at Macquarie University. He directed the film "In My Fathers Country”.

Cost is $40 including GST. Afternoon tea will be provided.

Please RSVP to Lyndall Rees on nswipp4@bigpond.com or 0406 975 434.

**CPD Points Available**                                                                                                               Direct Debit Details

Bank:  St George

BSB:  112-879

Account No:  041219957

Account Name:  NSW Institute of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy