The Sydney Institute for Psychoanalysis offers its graduate training program from 2012



(Component society of the International Psychoanalytical Association)

Clinical Training in Psychoanalysis

The Sydney Branch of the Australian Psychoanalytic Society is offering a graduate training program in Psychoanalysis, (four year minimum requirement), which will begin in early 2012.

This course will appeal to those who have an interest in the human mind, its internal world and unconscious processes, and who want to develop this interest in order to become trained as a psychoanalyst. The course allows candidates to grow at their own pace, and to follow their individual interests as electives.

The first year involves an experience of Infant Observation and participation in seminars. The theoretical program is closely tied to the clinical development of the candidates and takes place in small group settings. The course is part-time and designed to be available to working candidates.

For a substantial part of the training, candidates will be required to be in their own analysis, which offers them the opportunity to personally experience how psychoanalysis can bring about self awareness and lasting change.

Completion of the training entitles the graduate to be eligible for membership of the Australian Psychoanalytical Society, and therefore of the International Psychoanalytical Association.

The APAS Prospectus for Training can be viewed on line at:





To obtain an Application for Training, or for further information, please contact: Dr Mark Howard, Chair Admissions, Sydney Branch, at this email address:





Applications will close August 2011.